Wednesday, April 14, 2010


This past weekend was wonderful!!!!!! I can't even describe it. We went to Siena. That was one of the churches I remember tearing up at last time I came. Then we left the field trip group early and went to Florence for the Fiorentina/InterMilan game. We drew a lot of attention in our matching purple jerseys. I felt weird until we got to the stadium and saw that everyone else was decked out in purple and we fit right in. The game was like a dream come true, I can't put it into words. I have a 2 inch bruise from getting knowcked over by the fans, which is a pretty good memory and makes me laugh when I see it. Fans were crazy, I learned several bad cheers, I recognized/caught on to them because last time I came the other kids taught me all the bad words haha.

Then Sunday I went to San Marco. I would like to live there for a while, it would be really interesting to be surrounded by those paintings. The Savonarola room was a little creepy. My first drawing in my Italy sketchbook is a figure that was towards the bottom of the Last Judgment wall in the Sistine Chapel (because it was closest so I could see it better). I asked one of the guards later who I was drawing, and he said it was Savonarola. At that point I didn't know who he was but now I do after studying him in art history and going to San Marco and seeing his room. That was at the very beginning of the trip and now this is the end, it's all coming around in a circle!

I also got a medium purple leather wallet. I haven't bought one since I was 14 so I thought it was about time, and what better place to get it than Florence. I got it down to 15 euro from 23 euro. Pretty good... :)

I haven't been writing much because of finals. 2 down, 2 more to go. Last Thursday my painting professor decided that our finals would be due on Monday. I just had a critique last Monday, so that meant I had a few days to start and finish my painting. I haven't gotten enough sleep in... I wish I could remember... but anyways, I'm sleeping enough to function but I've caught a cold I guess I need to slow down a little. The other final was yesterday for drawing. I turned in my 40+ hour drawing. I've never spent so long on one. It looks good but sadly doesn't look like that much time went into it. I guess that's just the way it goes with art, toooo bad.

The art history final is this Friday and bookmaking is due Tuesday. Seems possible. I also need to go to Florence one more time before leaving, there are too many things left undone. Maybe next Sunday.

Our end of the semester exhibition is Saturday! We can only put in one piece so I decided to put in the green/white wall painting that's on my art blog. It's my favorite painting this semester.

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