Thursday, January 7, 2010

i'm in

i got my passport back with a visa in it so i can go, i also got my program tshirt haha.

Saturday, January 2, 2010


I sent in my US passport with my student visa application form for Italy... and then flew to Japan for the holidays with my Japanese passport since I already had a plane ticket. Of course it was fine going to Japan but on the way back I was very nervous about how to get back in the states... I'm pretty sure you're supposed to travel between countries with your passport, a California's driver's license isn't quite enough. I already knew about the worst case scenario (The Terminal- he was relatively fine...) so I figured it probably wouldn't be that bad, haha. We went through immigration, got sent to the corner office for people with immigration problems, an hour later I came out in once piece and they let me in the country. I'll legally be here for the next month and the government won't have to hunt me down.