Monday, March 29, 2010

time is ticking

Exactly one month left!! NOOO!

My parents visited this past weekend. I showed them around, we went out to dinner several times, and they went on the field trip to Assisi and Perugia on Saturday. It was great to see them and I'm glad they got to see things that I can't really explain. They even got to be part of the Palm Sunday procession through town! We used olive branches instead of palm branches, quite appropriate for Italy.

I bought 2 plane tickets today and yesterday for traveling afterwards. I have mixed feelings, soooo excited for the sibling reunion in Paris but not excited for the program to end because it seems like I have to go back to reality then.

So far I have 2 possible Florence trips planned and maybe Cinque Terre this weekend but I haven't decided yet.


  1. Did you go to Cinque Terre? Did you love it?

  2. noo that weekend was easter so the hostels were all booked by the time we decided. we might go another weekend but i'm not sure yet, it might have to be next time i come to italy. i'm already planning on coming again asap haha
