Saturday, December 19, 2009

One step closer

I turned in my departure form, moved out of the apartment, stuffed my car with everything (plus some in callie's car-thank you!), and safely made it home. I got the syllabi for 3 of my 4 classes in an email yesterday and read through them. There are so many required supplies! Now I'm working on a to-do list of things that need to be done before I leave on Jan 30. It's great to be home :)

Saturday, December 5, 2009


I decided to make a blog since Joy told me she made one for Ghana next semester and it seems like a good idea to keep everyone up to date. So far I've spent many many hours on forms, making phone calls, research, going to offices...and hundreds of dollars on applications, sending forms... but it'll all be worth it next semester when I go to Italy. As of now I'm in the program and I have my plane ticket so if my visa goes through I'll be in Italy on January 31st. It's an art program and I'll be taking four art classes and taking trips every weekend. At this point I'm tired of filling out forms and really excited but nervous because no one else from my school is going next semester with this program and I'm generally shy when I don't know people at first.
I'll keep updating as I find out more!